Top Tips For Podcasters
Any podcasters out there?
Do you rely on a script when recording your episodes, or do you just banter with your guests?
Planning your script, developing a running order and having key points is great for giving structure to how the episode unfolds.
But, writing a script verbatim then reading it, will decrease your impact. It might feel safe but to the listener it will sound stilted.
This is what Betsy, a young podcaster and YouTube enthusiast, and I tackled at the studio.
Kudos to you for taking my ‘Voiceover Training’ studio-based coaching session, and taking on all my feedback. Your voice transformation was amazing!
If you are starting out in podcasting and still a bit reliant on your script, here’s three things you should do for starters:
1️⃣ Edit your written words so they are ‘speakable’ – if you write ‘moreover my opinion is that..’ or, ‘It is very nice to have you on the show’, change to ‘I also think that’ or, ‘it’s great to have you on the show’.
2️⃣ Highlight the key points on your script – your eye sees them clearly. That way you look down, grab the point and look up. So you look at the guest more and not sound like you’re just reading.
3️⃣ Don’t just lead with a question. Work on a preamble before landing the question or else it becomes question/ answer, question/answer etc which isn’t very engaging.
Once you get in your stride, you can move away from the script and let the conversation flow freely.
Hey, established podcasters, any other helpful pointers for people starting out?
PS: If you want to learn the different genres of voice overs – animation, TV commercials, corporate videos, podcasts etc then DM me. I’ve created a studio-based voice over coaching session that does just that.
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