Three Tops Tips For Public Speaking

Having spent many hours in boardrooms and in the studio, working with clients to improve their public speaking skills, here are the 3 most common issues that I hear when listening to clients, or reviewing their presentation, pitch or speech.

1. Speaking too fast
Good speakers can change their delivery according to content and audience, so reducing your speech rate, just a little, will add impact to your message.

Tip: Record yourself and assess from the audience’s point of view, if you think your speaking speed is too fast.

2. Use of fillers
There is nothing wrong with using filler words as a natural part of discourse, but when they saturate your delivery then this is a problem. Avoid them 100% in your introduction, as this is the time when your audience are most likely to make judgements.

Tip: Record yourself and count the fillers, then do it again and count. As you become conscious of them, you will naturally reduce them.

3. Get to the point
Why does it take 2 mins to say something that should take 30 secs? Edit with rigour, and figure out what are the key points the audience needs to hear.

Tip: Present to a colleague before the event, someone who knows your content. They have to answer the one question you will ask, “Am I waffling?”. Cut and edit if necessary.

Look out for these 3 things and you’ll nail your next speaking event!

????⭐️ Helping Good Speakers Become Great Speakers.