Do you ever get a bit tongue-tied? Try this simple warm-up exercise before your next pitch, presentation or online meeting.
Public Speaking Skills
I always like hearing other’s opinions on my area of expertise, public speaking, and it’s good to see the Fast Co Executive Board, reinforce a lot of what I believe in.
My Favourite Warm Up
Here’s how to warm up your diaphragm for public speaking – it’s one of my favourites.
How To Use Word Stress Effectively
Today, I want to share with you how word stress can add life to your voice when you speak.
Authentic Communication
What is authenticity in communication? There’s a slightly misguided belief that to be a great speaker one has to emulate the great orators of today – watch the great TED talks, copy the speaking styles, move like them, try to be like them.
Want To Sound More Engaging When You Speak?
Here’s a really simple intonation technique to make you sound more dynamic and engaging when opening meetings, starting a presentation or pitch.
Top Tip for Online Meetings
Rather than the standard shot of a sea of faces to say how great our MAKE AN IMPACT ONLINE: Your Voice and Presence webinar was, here’s a slide.
Calming the Nerves
Speak Up! Presence Toolkit 1: Calming the Nerves It’s normal to feel a little nervous before speaking in front of a group.