How’s your voice pitch? An authentic deeper voice commands more attention and conveys more authority.
Reading vs Speaking Voice
One way to quickly lose your audience when giving a presentation is to read your slides, point by point, paragraph by paragraph.
Three Tops Tips For Public Speaking
Here are the 3 most common issues that I hear when listening to clients, or reviewing their presentation, pitch or speech.
How To Improve Your Public Speaking
All the financial gurus talk about investing early and often – start young and keep at it through the highs and lows of the financial markets.
Public Speaking Success
Set yourself up for success at any public speaking event by consciously doing these 3 things.
Winner’s Pose For Proco Global
Research published in ‘Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences’ by Jessica Tracy and David Matsumoto, found that the winner’s pose was observed in winning athletes from all cultural backgrounds, as well as blind Paralympic athletes.
Do You Like The Sound Of Your Own Voice?
We each have our own unique voice, and how we sound depends on many things, our gender, our physiology, and our physical stature.
Public Speaking Secrets
I think this is a great article that hones down the 4 key storytelling strategies that you need to be a compelling speaker.