FIVE Tips For Speaking On Camera
January is always busy for me as I get to work with a lot of CEO’s readying them for filming their New Year messages and, here in Asia, for their Chinese New Year messages.
Even the most seasoned speakers sometimes find video a bit daunting, so here are my 5 top tips:
1️⃣ Stand – if at all possible. This allows for a better voice and better use of hand gestures. The editor can always crop the shot to a close up.
2️⃣ Wear a clip mic on the outside of your shirt or blouse. If it’s inside, yes it’s hidden, but if you move a lot then it will rub against your clothes.
3️⃣ Change the script to YOUR voice. Comms teams will hopefully write a good script, but they aren’t you. So, take some time to add your own personality to it. After all, it’s your face on camera.
4️⃣ Use a speaking voice, not a reading voice. Yes, you are reading the teleprompter but you need to sound like you are ‘speaking’ the script. Run through it at least 3 times to get in the flow.
5️⃣ Finally and most importantly, ramp up the energy. You might think you’re coming across as engaging, but film and video requires just a bit more passion. Tell the camera operator you will review each take so you can ensure you are nailing it.
There are more things you can do but tick off these 5 things and you’ll be well on your way to looking and sounding compelling on camera.
Want me to coach you for your next video message? I’m more than happy to help.
🏆⭐️ Helping Good Speakers Become Great Speakers.