Danger Of Delivery Fatigue
If your job requires you to deliver the same pitch or even training program to different clients or teams, then be alert to ‘delivery fatigue’.
I worked with someone recently who presented to me asking for my feedback. I had to stop them after two minutes.
Boredom had set in. Not from me, but from said client.
It transpired that this pitch is given regularly and I absolutely heard that in the delivery. Content is well known, but the execution of that content is lacklustre.
And after the 50th time, I get it.
But, treat every single pitch as your first. And prepare for it like it’s your first.
Don’t just rock up and deliver. Your voice will give you away.
I’ve been running a particular workshop “Gravitas: Voice And Presence” for some time now and have been fortunate enough to deliver it in many countries and to many different sized groups.
I know it well, but I always prepare. Every group is different, and that makes me bring my A game.
Remember, people will always detect boredom, disinterest and haste in your voice. It’s a danger you need to be alert to.
????⭐️ Helping Good Speakers Become Great Speakers.