Authentic Communication
What is authenticity in communication? There’s a slightly misguided belief that to be a great speaker one has to emulate the great orators of today – watch the great TED talks, copy the speaking styles, move like them, try to be like them.
Not so. We all have our own authentic voice, and to be a good speaker, we find our true voice and work with it. We don’t copy others. If we do, it then becomes false and forced, and people see through that immediately.
Try to record your voice frequently, to become more familiar with your own authentic sound:
✅ Record
✅ Playback
✅ Self-analysis
Only by becoming aware of how you sound to others, will you tap into your vocal qualities. Do it regularly, and change will happen.
So ask yourself, what are your vocal strengths, and how can you use them to your advantage?
Helping Good Speakers Become Great Speakers.