Small Talk
I was recently asked to incorporate ‘small talk’ into a voice coaching program I was running for a Senior Leader. It was a first for me, being paid to have a good natter with someone. But it got me doing a lot of research into this often overlooked area of communication. It’s sometimes perceived as unimportant, especially in time-sensitive meetings, but the more research I did the more I came to understand the benefits this has on building trust, formulating social cohesion and how it really is a key business skill.
In short, it’s a stepping stone for creating the more meaningful conversations that will occur in the ensuing meeting, pitch or presentation. It’s an essential first step.
And with serendipity, this article turned up in my inbox – https://www.fastcompany.com/90747480/the-secret-science-behind-the-power-of-small-talk
Helping Good Speakers Become Great Speakers.