Mark your diaries for Tuesday 2nd February when David will be giving another of his sell out lunch and learn talks, this time at the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce.
Vocal Fry
Women are often the innovators of new vocal trends, as this article on vocal fry (creaky voice) in The Atlantic points out.
Healthy Voice
We thought these top tips for a healthy voice very important as they go hand in hand with vocal awareness and the development of better vocal control.
Hogan Lovells Seminar
We’re on a roll! David will be offering an engaging and interactive session at Hogan Lovells on Thursday 10th December, on communicating with impact – how to use your professional and authentic voice effectively.
We’re running an interactive session for WILMA at Clifford Chance tomorrow (Weds 8th December), as part of their Inspirational Speaker Series.
Weber Shandwick
Weber Shandwick have invited us to give a talk on the essential skills needed to speak with power and authority.
The Speaker
We’re on the same page as Elspeth Morrison, a voice coach and contributor to the BBC television programme ‘The Speaker‘.
Upcoming Workshop
Sign up for our Lunch and Learn workshop at the American Chamber of Commerce on November 18th.
Non-verbal Power
As experts on non-verbal communication (see our coaching module on Voice and Presence) we find this article about presidential body language in The Guardian newspaper very interesting.
Voice for Teleconferences
Do you want to manage conference calls with confidence? Contribute to the discussion with authority, clarity and impact? Here’s how…