As the voice of Boomf in Hong Kong, we are tickled pink to have such royal connections.
How to become a Voice Artist
So you have a lovely resonant voice and are comfortable ‘acting’ but is this all it takes to become a voice artist? This insightful article in The Guardian reveals all.
Walls Workshop in London
We’re off to London next week to present our ‘Using a Professional and Authentic Voice’ workshop with the team at Walls Ice-cream.
Vocal Impact Workshop
Our hugely popular vocal skills workshop, now adapted for legal professionals, is perfect for a Lunch & Learn.
Voice of Boomf
Get into the Boomf craze and give your loved one an edible body part this Valentine’s Day! AVT is the voice of Boomf – now playing across Hong Kong.
Virtual Voiceover
Call us old fashioned, but we prefer real human beings doing actual voiceovers.
Lunch & Learn
Mark your diaries for Tuesday 2nd February when David will be giving another of his sell out lunch and learn talks, this time at the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce.
Vocal Fry
Women are often the innovators of new vocal trends, as this article on vocal fry (creaky voice) in The Atlantic points out.
Healthy Voice
We thought these top tips for a healthy voice very important as they go hand in hand with vocal awareness and the development of better vocal control.