Vocal Burn Out

We found this recent Guardian article a fascinating read about vocal burnout, the science of the voice, and the conclusion that modern singers (and anyone who uses their voice professionally) need to learn old vocal techniques in order to preserve their voice.

Vocal Workshop – Sold Out

We’re a sell out! Our ever popular vocal skills workshop ‘Using a Professional and Authentic Voice’ will be delivered to a full house of the new networking group Hong Kong Women In Recruitment, next week. 

Vocal Emotion

Whether it’s getting the right tone during a high-pressured meeting, or giving a speech at a colleague’s leaving party, the ability to project appropriate emotion with your voice is vital – as this Huffington Post article says.

Celebrity Voiceover, or Not?

Sure,  the voice overs of Morgan Freeman or Cameron Diaz might add kudos to your next project, but does your budget stretch that far? The fact is, non-celebrity voice talent are equally able to deliver rich, dynamic voice overs that bring a product to life, and at a fraction of the price (see the full […]