As part of World Voice Day, our MD David Pope was invited onto to the 123 Show at RTHK to talk about all things voice.
Let’s Celebrate!
Did you know that Thursday 16th April is World Voice Day? A whole day dedicated to and celebrating everything to do with our voices.
Versatile Voices
For all the budding voiceover talent out there, this Backstage article gives a clear breakdown of the different genres of voiceover work, many of which we cover in our Voice Over Training program (email us for more details on this).
Calming the Nerves
Speak Up! Presence Toolkit 1: Calming the Nerves It’s normal to feel a little nervous before speaking in front of a group.
Studio Success
One of the joys of coaching in studio is seeing young people come into their voice.
Voiceover Talent and Studio City
We’ve been excited to partner with Studio City, Macau on a series of hilarious (intentionally) in-hotel videos, promoting different areas of the resort.
Arty Voices
Whilst taking in the fabulous art at the recently re-opened HK Museum of Art, you can listen to some wonderful AVT voices.
The Fine Art of Narration
With the momentous rise of the audio book comes the need for talented narrators who can twist their tongues around numerous characters, accents, languages and situations…not an easy task as this Guardian article reveals.
It’s Not What You Say But How You Say It.
This recent FT article adds new scientific data to a truth we have always known – that how you speak has much more impact than the words you say.