We’re excited to launch our new webinar Make An Impact Online: Your Voice and Presence – see the flyer below.

We’re excited to launch our new webinar Make An Impact Online: Your Voice and Presence – see the flyer below.
We were happy to be back at The Women’s Foundation for a pro bono Gravitas webinar – which was gratefully received.
David was delighted to receive the entrepreneur prize in Hong Kong Living’s Influencer Awards 2020.
Check out David’s interview after the LCM Speech Festival earlier this year, where he was an adjudicator.
We loved Robin Pecknold’s (Fleet Foxes) thoughts about voice and his description of it as “the first instrument…the most expressive one”.
David was delighted to be asked to share his thoughts and ideas about the importance of voice with the South China Morning Post in their article ‘How your voice affects confidence, job prospects, even attractiveness – and why women have been lowering theirs for 50 years‘.
David has been invited by The Executive Centre in Hong Kong to deliver a webinar on Gravitas and how it relates to our Voice and Presence.
We recently coached Virginia Morris, Leadership Strategist extraordinaire, who wanted vocal tips and tricks to add finesse to her specially created Live Virtual Learning Experience Masterclasses https://livevle.com/.
We’re so happy to be invited to adjudicate for the University Of West London at the upcoming Hong Kong Speech Festival.