If you’re a mumbler and speak fast, and you’re meeting online AND you have your camera off -good luck with holding the attention of the virtual room.

If you’re a mumbler and speak fast, and you’re meeting online AND you have your camera off -good luck with holding the attention of the virtual room.
No pain no gain, right? You’d be surprised at the number of people who say this 10 minutes into my Voice Intensive Program.
January is always busy for me as I get to work with a lot of CEO’s readying them for filming their New Year messages and, here in Asia, for their Chinese New Year messages.
To have a stronger voice, you need to breathe deeper – it’s really that simple.
In this picture at Kyoto station, I see myself as the cleaner behind me, slowly and methodically clearing the path for your communication success.
A Japanese client happens to be in Osaka at the same time as me, so with my microphones, headphones, recording equipment and Voice Intensive Program manual, I’m all set up.
We love you Timothee, but why…the overstretched open stance? Most of us won’t be on the red carpet anytime soon, so my advice for us lesser mortals on a stage, in front of any audience when public speaking… If you want to ground yourself and emanate poise and confidence, keep the feet hip-width apart.
I’ve listened to many people pitch their company’s services and it’s always the people who weave in stories that make me sit up and listen.