Thank you to the massive team behind TEDxTinHauWomen for putting together such an incredible event.
Engage Your Audience With Eye Contact
How often do you look at your audience when you talk them through powerpoint bullet points?
How Can You Improve The Volume Of Your Voice?
Do you sometimes feel that your voice is too quiet, and that you want to speak a bit louder?
Introvert Or Extrovert?
Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Interestingly, some of the most promising speakers I work with define themselves as introverts, putting their need to ramp up public speaking training down to job promotion.
Up For Auction!
Want to work with me for a good cause? I’m up for auction! As a proud collaborator with The Women’s Foundation on their amazing mentorship program, I’ve seen first-hand the impact that they have on individuals.
How to Have A Stronger Voice
Check out the silver microphone on the right side of the photo.
How To Command Attention With Your Voice
How’s your voice pitch? An authentic deeper voice commands more attention and conveys more authority.
Don’t Go Changing!
I love this Harvard Business Review article as it highlights the potential negative effects of trying to be someone you’re not.