A Japanese client happens to be in Osaka at the same time as me, so with my microphones, headphones, recording equipment and Voice Intensive Program manual, I’m all set up.
The Power Of Posture
We love you Timothee, but why…the overstretched open stance? Most of us won’t be on the red carpet anytime soon, so my advice for us lesser mortals on a stage, in front of any audience when public speaking… If you want to ground yourself and emanate poise and confidence, keep the feet hip-width apart.
The Storytelling Connection
I’ve listened to many people pitch their company’s services and it’s always the people who weave in stories that make me sit up and listen.
Why Use Storytelling In Business?
Ask yourself, are you consciously incorporating storytelling into your communications?
Sydney Masterclass For Tommy Hilfiger
Great to be back at PVH Corp in Sydney to deliver my masterclass session on ‘Gravitas: Voice and Presence’.
Win Win Workshop In Sydney
I was delighted to be invited by Pinsent Masons to run my masterclass on Gravitas to the team in Sydney.
Why 1-1 Voice Coaching Works
A Voice Coach is a guide – you do the work but I make sure you play to your strengths.
Workshop Approved For CLPD In Dubai
I’m delighted to announce that the Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department has approved my intensive communication skills workshop for 3 CLPD points.
Rave Reviews From Porsche
I’ve been getting such wonderful feedback from workshop participants in Dubai.